If someone were to ask me what was one of your favourite words, I would likely answer, “Why?” I would not say that to be snarky but as a simple and honest answer to their question. I have always asked “Why?” and enjoyed knowing as much a I can about things. I love to know things, understand them inside and out, to learn why and how they came to be and what they could become. As a student growing up, I wasn’t always the best behaved by any means and so it’s somewhat funny that I have chosen to become a teacher. However, when I think about it, it is a natural field to go into if your favourite word is “Why?” As a teacher I am determined to bring to my students the same passion that I had to learn as much a I could about the world around us. I want my students to always be asking “Why?” As a teacher then I see it my responsibility to make sure that they are able to secure themselves an answer that they then understand. Comprehending ones own experiences is an integral part of this knowledge.

I believe that a good teacher leads by example and strength of character, not through coercion or any other means. They must conduct themselves in a way that engenders trust and respect in the students. In developing lessons, I consider myself as much a traveler as they are in that I am taking a journey with them. As such I must be willing to take the same risks I ask of them. To this end, I expect and hope that students will lead me to new understandings or knowledge even when I may be leading them. Being a traveler with them I then hope to develop lessons that become “our” experiences rather than mine or theirs. I hope to collectively ask the “why?” questions and to experience their answering as one. While I hope to reach all students and to bring them along on our collective adventures, I recognize that not all students will be fully willing participants in the pursuit of knowledge. To this end I am determined to have each student recognize my desire for them to succeed in their endeavours and that I will treat each student fairly and honestly in order to provide the best environment for their own success.

My Philosophy of Teaching

The Details


Daniel Polsky


University of British Columbia - 2010

B.A. History

University of Calgary - 2012

B.Ed. (Master of Teaching)

University of Calgary - 2016

M.Ed. (Educational Technology)

Favourite Movie  

Thomas Crown Affair

Favourite Book  

The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde