Trees and Forests Grade 6 Web Links Resources

Invertebrates | Vertebrates | Arthropods | Animal Adaptations | Plant Adaptations | Photosynthesis | Plants With Seeds
Plants Without Seeds | The Kingdoms of Life | Roots & Stems | Mosses & Ferns | Animal Cells | Animal Life Cycles
Ecosystems | Aquatic Ecosystems | Changes in Ecosystems | Biomes | Food Chains | Food Webs | Symbiosis
Population Growth | The Water Cycle | The Carbon Cycle | The Nitrogen Cycle

General Links for Trees
Forest Field Trip - Video Series
Forests | Canadian Encyclopedia
Forest Regions | Canadian Encyclopedia
How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other | Nat Geo
Exploring Earth's Ecosystems | Google Earth Interactive
Coniferous Trees
What Tree is That? | Interactive Tool
Coniferous Trees | Canadian Encyclopedia
Evergreen (aka Coniferous) | Wikipedia
Trees That Don't Lose Leaves | YouTube
Coniferous vs. Deciduous | YouTube
Deciduous Trees
What Tree is That? | Interactive Tool
Deciduous Trees | All Things Nature
Coniferous vs. Deciduous | YouTube
Levels of the Forest
Levels of the Forest - Polsky Notes
Levels of the Forest | YouTube
Layers of a Forest | DK Findout!
Parts of a Tree
Forest Issues
Climate 101: Deforestation | National Geographic
Nerdy About Nature: Neature Stuff | YouTube Playlist
Deforestation for Kids | Oddizi
Trees that Grow in Canada's Forests
Sustainable Forest Management in BC | YouTube
Classification Key
What Tree is That? | Interactive Tool
How to Use a Trees Features to Name It
Beginner's Guide to Tree Identification
Alberta Trees
Guide to the Common Native Trees & Shrubs of Alberta
Leaves | Easy Tree Identification
Human Impact
Madagascar Deforestation | Google Earth Time-Lapse
Bolivia Deforestation | Google Earth Time-Lapse
The Nutrient Cycle - Interactive